The items below are copies of the USC Foundation's most requested documents.
All frequently requested documents are made available for your own use in PDF format.
recommended annual field testing for backflow prevention assemblies
The document discusses the importance of annual field testing for backflow prevention assemblies recommended by the
USC Foundation. It emphasizes the need for regular testing to ensure the proper functioning of these assemblies and protect public health by safeguarding drinking water.
tenth edition:
errata sheet for Appendix A
The USC Foundation distributed a fifth printing of the Manual of Cross-Connection Control, Tenth Edition, dated 2020
(ISBN: 978-0-9638912-6-6). It was discovered that Appendix A of the manual included errors. The same errors apply to the Laminated Field Test Procedures, dated 2020.01.15.
tenth edition:
fifth printing corrections
The USC Foundation has published a fifth printing of the Manual of Cross-Connection Control, Tenth Edition, dated 2020. The fifth printing includes corrections from the original printing, dated December 2009.
gages and manufacturers
Before the USC Foundation published the USC List of Approved Field Test Kits, the Foundation conducted reviews of gage equipment to determine whether they met the generalized guidelines shown in Section 9 (Field Test Procedures) of the Manual of Cross-Connection Control, Ninth Edition. Please note, local administrative authorities determine which field test kits are acceptable in their area of jurisdiction. Please check with the local administrative authority to see if a field test kit is acceptable.
tenth edition:
fourth printing corrections
The Foundation has published a fourth printing of the Manual of Cross-Connectin Control, Tenth Edition, dated 2017. The fourth printing includes corrections in the original printing Dec. 2009.
field test form:
update sample field test form
To help backflow prevention assembly testers, the Foundation has updated its sample field test form found in the Manual of Cross-Connection Control, Tenth Edition to include Type II assemblies. Now, the sample field test form accommodates test results for a Double Check Detector Assembly-Type II and Reduced Pressure Principle Detector Assembly-Type II all on one single sheet.
southern california counties, backflow tester certification requirements
After completing a course for field testing backflow prevention assemblies, a Tester may be interested in certification. Most local health or water authorities require a tester to be certified before field testing any assemblies in their jurisdictions. So, the USC Foundation has put together a helpful guide on
Southern California counties certification requirements to help Testers start the process.
regarding modifications to
any USC approved
prevention assembly
The USC Foundation has made available a document outlining its position on modifications to USC approved assemblies. The document highlights chapter in the Manual of Cross-Connection Control, Tenth Edition that addresses modifications to USC approved assemblies.
tenth edition:
second printing corrections
The Foundation has published a second printing of the Manual 10th Edition, dated 2012. The second printing includes corrections in the original printing Dec. 2009.
tenth edition:
9th edition vs 10th edition
The USC Foundation has put together a worksheet that lists the differences between the two procedures side-by-side. The worksheet outlines the four backflow preventions assemblies (RP, DC, PVB, SVB) and lists reasons for the change in the Tenth Edition.
specialist training course
The hosting agency assists in securing a suitable location for the course and providing some classroom needs. Also, the hosting agency is granted two complimentary registrations for each course it hosts.
protection for post mix carbonators
One of the common questions received in the Foundation office has to do with the level of backflow protection needed on post mix soft drink carbonators.
prevalence of cross-connections in household plumbing systems
The USC Foundation received a grant in 2001 from the US Environmental Protection Agency to assess the prevalence of cross-connection in household plumbing systems. On-site surveys were conducted in 188 homes in the US Mid West.