Members of the USC Foundation receive a subscription to Cross Talk which informs members of the latest news concerning backflow and cross-connection control. Cross Talk becomes an invaluable source of information and is a primary tool that the USC Foundation uses to communicate to its members directly. Become a member of the USC Foundation.
Below you will find an archive of Cross Talk dating back to 1967. All copies are available in Adobe PDF format. Get Adobe PDF Viewer.
*UPDATE* Cross Talk Archive
Beginning in Summer 2017, all issues of Cross Talk have been exclusive to USC Foundation members, which means any issues since then have been available to members only from our online store. Soon, the archive found here will be moved to the online store for member-only access.
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Cross Talk
Spring 2017
Learn how to repair a USC approved assembly without invalidating its USC approval. Plus, articles about passing relief valve readings, do "failed" assemblies suggest that backflow occurs and minimum clearance recommendations for assemblies.
Recent archive Cross Talk issues
Winter 2017: Explains the importance of maintaining a system and internal protection program by an administrative authority. Plus, articles about the various certification opportunities at Foundation training events, the importance of testing assemblies annually and introducing an updated field test form that includes fields for Type II detector assemblies.
Autumn 2016: Includes articles about what unintended results can occur in a water system when a backflow prevention assembly is installed in a water system, gifting an endowment to the USC Foundation, available complimentary webinars on demand, the availability of Working Together for Safe Water on You Tube and the availability of the 2017 USC List.
Summer 2016: Explaining what the term 'drip' means in the field test procedure for the double check valve backflow prevention assembly, how assemblies should be maintained when installed on recycle water systems, what additions to the test cock invalidate USC approval and a preview of the 2017 training schedule.
Spring 2016: Includes articles about the composition of backflow prevention detector assemblies and how to record their field test results. Plus, articles about testing assemblies that are installed vertically, an overview of the webinars on demand series and a guide to certification requirements in Southern California.
Cross Talk Archives
Spring 2017
Learn how to repair a USC approved assembly without invalidating its USC approval. Plus, articles about passing relief valve readings, do "failed" assemblies suggest that backflow occurs and minimum clearance recommendations for assemblies.
Winter 2017
Explains the importance of maintaining a system and internal protection program by an administrative authority. Plus, articles about the various certification opportunities at Foundation training events, the importance of testing assemblies annually and introducing an updated field test form that includes fields for Type II detector assemblies.
Autumn 2016
Explaining what unintended results can occur in a water system when a backflow prevention assembly is installed in a water system, gifting an endowment to the USC Foundation, available complimentary webinars on demand, the availability of Working Together for Safe Water on You Tube and the availability of the 2017 USC List.
Summer 2016
Explaining what the term 'drip' means in the field test procedure for the double check valve backflow prevention assembly, how assemblies should be maintained when installed on recycle water systems, what additions to the test cock invalidate USC approval and a preview of the 2017 training schedule.
Spring 2016
Understanding detector assemblies, rotating assemblies on their axes, testing vertical assemblies, webinars on demand, a guide to certification requirements in Southern California.
Winter 2016
Recycled Water and Grey Water, Vaults, Pits and Assemblies, Memo available about modifications to any USC Approved Assemblies, Using Excel and the USC List, Changes to USC List Book for Members, Online Store Account, No USC Seal of Approval.
Autumn 2015
Preparing assemblies for freezing temperatures, complimentary webinars for members, testing detector assemblies and USC student scholarship recipients.
Summer 2015
Why oversizing a backflow prevention assembly may not provide the desired results, reasons behind the elimination of the 3.0 PSID buffer, Foundation membership benefits, 2016 One Day Update Seminars and events attended by USC staff.
Spring 2015
Review the requirements and benefits of becoming a USC Approval program field test site, an introduction to the new Foundation online store, clarification regarding unofficial statements, using the USC List to verify approval along with a description of the 'notes' field and undersizing backflow prevention assemblies.
Winter 2015
An explanation of lead-free assemblies and their model designations which are found on the USC List, plus articles about Foundation Webinars, spool installations and the first DCDA-II and RPDA-II assemblies on the USC List.
Autumn 2014
A look at the USC Foundation's recognition reception for its charter and 25-year members, obituary for Al Jorgensen, discussing the usefulness of the No.1 test cock on a double check valve backflow prevention assembly and more about the Foundation's last 70 years.
Summer 2014
A look at the USC Foundation’s last 70 years, plus articles about field testing temporary assemblies, asking the question whether a failed assembly prevents backflow and looking at the Approval of Backflow Preventers brochure.
Spring 2014
A look at the installation guidelines for backflow prevention assemblies, obituary for Ernie Havlina, available certification at Training Courses and Cross-Connections in Household Plumbing Brochure.
Winter 2014
Explanation of lead-free spare parts on Foundation Approved Assemblies, practicing at the Foundation lab, 2014 USC List and highlighting the Working Together for Safe Water brochure.
Autumn 2013
Inside look at the USC Foundation's Approval Process, One Day Update Seminars, 25-Year Members and Gage Squirting.
Summer 2013
Are hydrants a concern for Cross-Connections? Foundation's Laboratory & Office Open House, RP Field Test, Spotlight: The Essentials of Cross-Connection Control, Power Point Presentation
Spring 2013
Foundation's Approval Process, Foundation's New Website Design, Foundation Office Move
Winter 2013
Foundation's One Day Update Seminars, Foundation's Charter Members, Direction of Flow Test for RPs and Hosting a Training Course
Autumn 2012
Detector Assemblies and Pressure Loss, Differences among Vacuum Breakers, What Invalidates a USC Foundation Approval, CEUs at Training Courses
Summer 2012
USC Foundation Approaches a Milestone, Standard for Field Test Kits, Manifold vs Parallel Assemblies, BIPF 2012, USC Foundation's Household Plumbing Brochure
Winter/Spring 2012
New Field Testing Video, Hydraulic Lock, Disc Compression, Exercising the Relief Valve, Testing a DC, Location of No.4 Test Cock on Detector Assemblies
Autumn 2011
Residential Fire Sprinkler Systems and Backflow Protection, New USC Graphic Identity Program, The Foundation and Social Media, Winterizing and Shutoff Valves, Frequently Requested Documents
Summer 2011
Modification and Foundation Approval, Handling Your Field Test Kit, Certificates of Approval, Host a Specialist Course.
Spring 2011
Backflow Assembly Orientation, Laminated Field Test Procedures, Exercising the Relief Valve, Accessing the List.
Winter 2011
USC Foundation Approval Program, Non-Illustrated Field Test Procedures, Who Develops the Standards, Abbreviated Field Test Procedures.
Summer 2010
Potable Water Supply as a Heat Sink?, The List: Shutoff Valves, Water Meters: Part of a Detector Assembly, Recycled Water Systems, BIPF 2010
Spring 2010
Responsibilities: Elements of a Cross-Connection Control Program, The New Field Test Kit Standard, Testing a DC Vertically
Winter 2010
Tenth Edition Manual Available, New Field Testing Video, “Lead Free” in California, Low-Head Drainage in Irrigation, 9th Ed. vs 10th Ed Field Test Procedures
Winter/Spring 2009
Tenth Edition, List Renewals, Detector Assemblies, Certificate of Approval, Assemblies Installed Upside Down
Autumn 2008
Winterizing Backflow Prevention Assemblies, List Deletions, Field Testing the RP, ABPA Certification at Specialist Courses, Member Rates
Summer 2008
The Approval Program, RP: Direction of Flow Test, What is Disc Compression?, New Member Rates, Certification at Foundation Courses
Spring 2008
Large Service Connections, Failure Rates, Model Numbers and the List, The Foundation at the ABPA Annual Conference
Winter 2008
Relief Valve Discharge, Hosting a Training Course, Sonny Astani Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Print Schedule Regarding the List of Approved Assemblies.
Autumn 2007
Irrigation Systems, Field Evaluations Sites, Eyewash Stations, Check Valve Discs, Strainers
Summer 2007
Cooling Towers, 10th Edition- Equipment, Orientation of Assemblies, Backflow Industry Product Fair and Painting Assemblies
Spring 2007
Industrialized Water Lines, Repairing an Approved Assembly, Fire Hydrants, Tenth Edition Update, Traveling Training Courses
Winter 2007
Swimming Pool Fill Lines, CEU’s & Foundation Training Courses, Complaint Process, Orientation of Assemblies, Field Testing
the SVB
Summer 2006
Direct vs Indirect Cross-Connections, Is My Field Test Kit Leaking?, Properly Identify a Backflow Preventer, Rotating Test Cocks on a PVB
Spring 2006
Proper Installation AVB/PVB/SVB, How to Access the List, Heat Exchangers, Field Testing Video Available on DVD
Winter 2006
Field Test Kit Standard, Detector Assembly Spare Parts, University Milestones
Summer 2005
Undersizing Backflow Preventers, Rotating Shutoff Valves, Aesthetics of Assemblies, Double Checks on
Irrigation Systems
Spring 2005
Relief Valve Discharge Rates, Hosting A Training Course, List of Approved Assemblies update, 3.0 PSI Buffer
Winter 2005
Foundation’s New Website , Thermal Expansion, 10th Edition Manual Update, Flipping Discs While Repairing
Autumn 2004
Using the List of Approved Assemblies, Field Test Kits, Oversized Backflow Assemblies, Frozen Shut Off Valves, Using the List, Field Test Kits, Working Together for Safe Water on Cable
Summer 2004
The Foundation’s 60th Anniversary, New Backflow Preventers (i.e. DCDA-II), Frequently Requested Documents
Spring 2004
Field Modifications: DC to a DCDA, New Era: Viterbi School of Engineering, E. Kent Springer Award, “How to Receive a Membership Password"
Winter 2004
The AWWARF Report, EPA Project on Household Cross-Connections, ABPA International Conference, Approved List Update, Using Portions of the Manual, Away Courses
Autumn 2003
Exercising the Relief Valve, Working Together for Safe Water DVD, New Look for the Approved List, 10th Edition Manual Update
Spring 2003
EPA Project on Household Cross-Connections, Certification vs. Training, 10th Edition Manual Update, New 10th Edition Tools
Winter 2003
Household Cross-Connections, Approved Assemblies, Hosting a Course
Autumn 2002
AWWARF Research Project, New Foundation Website Released, EPA Project on Household Cross-Connections, The Geohydrology Lab, Tester Course Modifications, Household Cross-Connections Study
Spring 2001
Testing Double Check Valve Assembly, Manual Update
Summer 2000
AWWARF Research Project, Direct vs. Indirect Cross-Connection, Updated Training Tools, Staff Profile: David Ritz and Troy Poole
Summer 1999
AWWARF Research Project, Hydraulic Lock, Manual Update, Disassembling Assemblies
Spring 1999
AWWARF Research Project, RP Test Procedures, Bleeding the Test Cocks
Autumn 1998
Protection for Post Mix Carbonators, Manual Review Committee Update, Changes in the Manual, Three Questions
Spring 1998
Field Testing the Double Check, Manual Progress, Troubleshooting
Winter 1998
Approved Assemblies Under Various Manual Editions, Protective Enclosures for Backflow Preventers, Tenth Edition Manual Update, Staff Profile: Henry Chang
Autumn 1997
Installing Double Checks Below Grade, A Brief History of Backflow Prevention, Testers Course, Staff Profile: Marco Celedon
Summer 1997
‘What is Disc Compression,' What New at the Laboratory?, Manual Update, Field Testing Video Now Shipping
Spring 1997
Invalid Approvals, Tenth Edition of the Manual, Field Testing Backflow Preventers Video, Special Notices
Winter 1997
Flipping the Disc, Tenth Edition of the
Manual, Spitting Relief Valves, Cross Talk Changes, Foundation Produces New Field Testing Video
October 1996
Testing the Second Check of the RP in the Direction of Flow, the Approval and Installation of "N" and "Z" Configured Assemblies, Rotating Assemblies on their Axes, What "spare parts only" means
July 1996
Testing a Vertical DC, PVBs with a Leaking No. 2 Shutoff Valve, How the Foundation Handles Complaints About Specific Approved Assemblies
April 1996
Prof. E. Kent Springer Obituary, Varying Relief Valve Opening Points, Tenth Edition of the Manual, The Change of the
Foundation Logo
December 1995
Handling Disc Compression on the DC, Proper Uses of the SVB, List of Acceptable Gages for Field Testing
August 1995
Foundation's Evaluation Versus the Foundation's Approval, A Comparison of the Laboratory Evaluation Processes of
the Foundation and the American Society of Sanitary Engineering
February 1995
Backflow Prevention Assembly Testers Preparing for Recertification, A Detailing of the Foundation's Approval Program, The Foundation's Internet Presence
November 1994
The Foundation's Fiftieth Anniversary Celebration, Comparing the DC Field Testing Methods, Historical Highlights on
the Foundation's Training Courses, Whether the Relief Valve Opens Fully When Field Testing the RP
July 1994
Direction of Flow Test for the No.2 Check Valve of the RP, Failing Assemblies, Foundation Highlights, Research Contract for Effective Metering Awarded to the Foundation, Walter Weight Obituary
February 1994
Ninth Edition Manual Published, Testing the DCDA and the RPDA, Foundation Celebrates 50 Years, Manual Dedicated to Walter Weight and William Whiteside
July 1993
Shut-Off Valves Added to the List, What is a Certificate of Compliance?, Changes in the Ninth Edition, Recertification
April 1993
Ninth Edition of Manual to Use New Testing Procedure, Why the Difference AVB vs. PVB, New Phone Number at the Lab, Detector Assemblies, CEUs Offered for Training Courses
January 1993
Changing a DC to an RP in the Field, Is a Cross-Connection Control Program Really Necessary, Training Courses Scheduled, The List of Approved Assemblies, AWWA 1993 Annual Conference and Exposition, Weather Protection for Backflow Preventers, Vertical Approvals, Training and Educational Tools
October 1992
Foundation Pressure Loss vs. Flow Rate Curves, Public Water Supplies as a Heat Sink?, Hosting USC Training Courses, Special Notice Issued Regarding Approvals, Heat Exchangers Using Potable Distribution Systems
July 1992
Vertical Assemblies Begin Evaluation Process, The 3 PSI Buffer, Test Performed Between Annual Tests, Ninth Edition Manual Update, Training and Education, Special Backflow Preventer Arrangements for Testers to Practice With, Slide Presentation Package, Membership Survey
April 1992
Using the Right Backflow Preventer, Modifying Assemblies, Choosing the Right Assembly, Manual Review Committee Considers New Testing Method for the Double Check Assembly, New Feature on the List, The Essential of Cross-Connection Control A Graphic Slide Presentation, Cross-Connection Control Informational Brochures
January 1992
'Hands-On' Testing, Is the Assembly Approved Yet?, The Approval Process, Ninth Edition Manual Update, Training Aids, Pressure Vacuum Breakers as System Protection in California
October 1991
Testing the PVB, Your Cross-Connection Control Program, Ninth Edition Manual Being Prepared
January 1991
Corrections to the List, Relief Valve Discharge Rates, 'Approved' Gages, Pressure Vacuum Breakers, Repairing the Wilkins 575 RP, Training Schedule Changes
October 1990
Laboratory Changes, Director's Note, Ninth Edition Manual Under Development, New Administrative Assistant, Parallel Installations, Training Courses
November 1989
Conflicting RP Test Procedures, Recertification, What is a Resilient Seated Valve?, Foundation Received Research Grant, New Address for Foundation Office, Hosting a Training Course, Showing 'Working Together for Safe Water' on Cable TV
August 1989
Frozen Shut Off Valves, Working Together for Save Water Video, Relief Valve Opening Point, What is a Specialist, Foundation Moving to New Building, Who is Testing Backflow Preventers?
March 1988
Methods for PVB Testing, Roy Van Meter Donates Material, Hosting a Foundation Short Course, 1987 Annual Report, Foundation News, Air Gap, Meet the Foundation Engineering Staff
October 1987
Defensible Cross-Connection Control Program, Eight Edition Manual Under Revision, Field Testing the Double Check Assembly, Vertical Installations, The Effects of Chloramine
July 1987
List of Approved Backflow Prevention Assemblies, Certification, Assembly Approval, Field Testing the Pressure Vacuum Breaker, California's Title 17
April 1987
Cross Talk Reinstated, Charter Member, News at the Foundation, Resilient Seated Shut-Off Valves and Testcocks, Disc Compression, Short Course
April 1971
Backflow Prevention Assembly Installation, Aqueduct Protection, States Adopt Foundation Specifications and the List of Approved Backflow Prevention Devices, Approval Renewals
January 1971
Short Course Update, Foundation Approval vs Advertising
July 1970 (Special Issue)
Special Issue Prepared for the Participants and Attendees of the 5th International Water Pollution Research Conference and Exhibition, List of Approved Devices, Backflow Protection, Cross-Connection Control
October 1970
Short Course a Success, Cross-Connections in Medium Sized Municipal System, Backflow Protection at Construction Sites
July 1970
Foundation Comments on the 5th International Water Pollution Research Conference and Exhibition, Short Course Offered, Mobile Home Parks
April 1970
The 'Blue Manual' origin of the Cross-Connection Control Manual, Field Evaluation Changed
January 1970
Document Possible Cross-Connection Incidents, Foundation Laboratory Rehabilitation Status
October 1969
Foundation in Canada, Foundation Membership Grows, Foundation Director Kent Springer elected to A.S.M.E., Infectious Hepatitis plagues Holy Cross Football Team
July 1969
Foundation Laboratory Rehabilitation Status, Foundation Participates in the Inland Counties Water Utilities Association, Foundation in Chicago
April 1969
Fourth Edition of the Manual of Cross-Connection Control Available, Backflow Prevention Devices Specifications Now Available, Leonard L. Snyder Remembered, Research Notes, Foundation Laboratory Rehabilitation Status
January 1969
New Backflow Prevention Device Design Passes, Foundation Laboratory Rehabilitation Delayed, Fourth Edition Manual Delayed, Cross Talk Readership Grows
October 1968
Problems Develop in Field Evaluation, Foundation Support Expanded, Fourth Edition Manual is Reviewed
July 1968
Foundation Membership Grows, Foundation Laboratory Rehabilitation Status, Foundation Director Speaks at Long Beach Chapter of the National Association of Naval Technical Supervisors, Manual of Cross-Connection Control, Fourth Edition
February 1968
Foundation Laboratory Rehabilitation Status, U.S. Navy Cites Foundation, Education/Research/Development Notes
August 1967
Foundation Laboratory Rehabilitation, Research Notes
May 1967 (First Issue)
Foundation Membership Program Established/Charter Members, Foundation Name Change, Board of Directors Named