Webinars On Demand

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Available Webinars On Demand

Understanding the Cross-Connection Control Policy Handbook (2025)
On July 1, 2024, the California State Water Resources Control Board adopted the Cross-Connection Control Policy Handbook. This handbook establishes regulations to protect public water systems (PWS) from backflow contamination. Understanding these regulations and the importance of backflow prevention and cross-connection control is crucial for maintaining safe drinking water. Join us for a webinar that will provide an overview of the handbook and offer a Q&A session with USC Foundation staff.
Running Time: 114 minutes BUY NOW

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Obtaining USC Approval (2024)
Obtaining USC Foundation approval for a backflow prevention assembly is a rigorous and possibly time-consuming process due to its unique requirement for both laboratory and field evaluations. Listen to the rationale behind this approach, what else constitutes the approval process, and how the Foundation will address recent requirements from administrative authorities regarding NSF/ANSI 61 standards.
Running Time: 113 minutes BUY NOW

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Celebrating 80 Years of the USC Foundation (2024)
The USC Foundation was among the earliest pioneers in backflow prevention and cross-connection control. Listen to what the Foundation has accomplished in the last eighty years, from its beginnings at a small hydraulics laboratory at the University of Southern California campus to becoming one of the leaders in developing standards, education, and training in backflow prevention and cross-connection control.
Running Time: 24 minutes BUY NOW

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Understanding Hydraulics of Backflow Prevention (2024)
Understanding hydraulics is critical to comprehending how backflow can occur and why backflow prevention assemblies are effective. Learn about the properties of water, how water behaves in a water distribution system or plumbing system, the different types of backflow conditions, and what steps can be taken to prevent backflow from occurring.
Running Time: 107 minutes BUY NOW

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Aspects of a Cross-Connection Control Program (2024)
Protecting the potable water system involves many aspects, including staying current with local, state, and federal regulations. Listen to existing rules and regulations and how they may impact the types of backflow protection required for specific applications. And hear what is new in the State of California Water Resources Control Board, Cross-Connection Control Policy Handbook (ratification pending).
Running Time: 117 minutes BUY NOW

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Backflow Prevention and Cross-Connection Control Regulations (2023)
Protecting the potable water system involves many aspects, including staying current with local, state, and federal regulations. Listen to existing rules and regulations and how they may impact the types of backflow protection required for specific applications. And hear what is new in the State of California Water Resources Control Board, Cross-Connection Control Policy Handbook (ratification pending).
Running Time: 112 minutes BUY NOW

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History of Backflow Prevention (2023)
Many have no clue what backflow is and how it can disrupt everyday life routines. Hear what backflow is and where the earliest documented cases of backflow occurred. And how organizations like the USC Foundation have led the way in protecting drinking water with cross-connection control and backflow prevention. Plus, listen to what steps can be taken to prevent backflow from happening today.
Running Time: 100 minutes BUY NOW

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Every Step is Important: USC Foundation's Field Test Procedures (2023)
Backflow Prevention Assembly Testers across the country are familiar with the USC Foundation's Field Test Procedures. But many may not understand why USC’s procedures require specific actions, like opening the needle valve on a field test kit no more than a one-quarter turn or the importance of field test kit location in relation to the assembly being tested. Learn why USC requires these specific actions and others when conducting a field test and how straying from these particular actions on the field testing procedures can impact the field test results.
Running Time: 114 minutes BUY NOW

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Cross-Connection Control Site Survey at USC campus (REC. 2020)
Follow along with USC Foundation staff as they conduct a site survey on the University of Southern California campus. Learn how to prepare and execute a cross-connection control site survey and see what equipment a surveyor may discover. Also, hear about what type of backflow prevention assemblies are recommended for cross-connections found during the survey.
Running Time: 73 minutes BUY NOW

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Site Survey Video Walkthrough (2023)
Join us for short video walkthroughs through an active mechanical facility to learn how to conduct a cross-connection control site survey. Hear what steps need to be taken to prepare and conduct a survey. And review active mechanical rooms with examples of water uses and water-using equipment that may affect the potable water system.
Running Time 127 minutes.

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Protecting the Potable Water Supply from Fire Sprinkler Systems (2022)
Fire sprinkler systems are commonly found in commercial and industrial facilities and even in family residences, so it is essential to understand the possible hazards to the potable water system these types of systems introduce. It is also important to learn what backflow protection is recommended for the different types of fire sprinkler systems.
Running Time 108 minutes.

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Backflow Incidents (2022)
Normally everyone goes about their day not worrying about the quality of their drinking water. But, once there is a foul taste or smell, or people begin to get sick, it makes the evening news. Look at past backflow incidents and hear what caused them and how administrative authorities handled each incident. Discover what incidents may have in common and learn what can be done now to prevent a backflow incident in the future.
Running Time 97 minutes.

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Backflow Prevention Assembly Field Test Forms (2022)
Occasionally backflow prevention assembly testers may feel overwhelmed by the different types of field-testing forms that are required to report the field test results of a backflow prevention assembly. The layout of the forms and information required may vary depending on the type of backflow prevention assembly and/or the administrative authority. So, learn what information is necessary to report and view a selection of different types of field test forms.
Running Time 116 minutes.

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Backflow Prevention Assembly Installations (2022)
Understand why installation recommendations vary for different types of backflow prevention assemblies according to the Manual of Cross-Connection Control Tenth Edition. See examples of good and bad installations, plus learn why a bad installation may affect the ability of the backflow prevention assembly to protect against backflow.
Running Time 102 minutes.

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Cross Connection Control and Recycled Water (2021)
Hear about the cross-connection issues that arise when dealing with dual plumbed systems that include recycled water and potable water. Learn the methods used to test dual plumbed systems for cross-connections, including pressure test, shutdown test, and dye test. Plus, understand what precautions backflow prevention assembly testers must take when field testing an assembly connected to a recycled water system.
Running Time 110 minutes.

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Incident Response (2021)
Learn how to prepare for when a backflow incident occurs due to a cross-connection and what steps to take in order to maintain trust with the general public about the potable water system. Including, the importance of maintaining an effective cross-connection control program and how it helps in responding to a backflow incident.
Running Time 98 minutes.

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The USC Foundation's Field Test Procedures (2021)
The longevity of backflow prevention assemblies can be several decades. Therefore, it is crucial that assemblies be field tested regularly and accurately. Review the field test procedures for the Reduced Pressure Principal Assembly, Double Check Valve Assembly, Pressure Vacuum Breaker Assembly, and Spill-Resistant Pressure Vacuum Breaker Assembly. And understand why the Foundation’s field test procedures continue to be practiced by the majority of backflow prevention assembly testers across the country. Running Time 113 minutes. BUY NOW

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Protecting the Potable Water Supply from Irrigation Systems (2021)
Irrigation systems can be found just about anywhere, from industrial complexes to homes. But not all irrigation systems are the same; some irrigation systems include fertilizer injection and/or chemigation, while others do not. So, it is important to understand why irrigation systems pose a threat to the potable water supply and what type of backflow protection is necessary to protect the drinking water. Running Time 98 minutes. BUY NOW

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Various Approval Programs (2020)
The USC Foundation’s Approval is one of several approval or listings programs available to backflow prevention assembly manufacturers. All programs have their own set of requirements in order to receive approval or listing. Discover what differentiates the USC Foundation’s Approval Program from those of other approval or listing agencies and why USC Approval is a requirement of many administrative authorities across the nation. Running Time 112 minutes. BUY NOW

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Tap Water vs Bottled Water (2020)
Drinking water from the tap is frowned upon nowadays. But truth be told, the water that comes out of the tap is more strictly regulated than bottled water. Hear about the different requirements for tap and bottled water. Understand why tap water is a better choice not only personally but for the environment. Running Time 82 minutes. BUY NOW

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Possible Cross-Connections and Types of Backflow Protection in Food Facilities (2020)
Food facilities are found almost everywhere and that is why it is important to learn about the possible cross-connections and backflow protection required in those types of facilities. From food processing facilities like bakeries, breweries and dairies to service facilities like restaurants; all have the potential of contaminating the drinking water and putting the public at risk. Learn to recognize what type of equipment at these facilities may create cross-connections and how to protect against any hazards. Running Time 114 minutes. BUY NOW

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Elements of a Cross-Connection Control Program (2020)
Hear about the ABC’s of a cross-connection control program and why it is essential for every administrative authority to have one. Learn why it is important to understand jurisdiction in order to enforce rules and regulations, the necessity of trained personnel and the need to educate the public about backflow prevention and cross-connection control.  This session will help you understand the basic needs of any cross-connection control program. Running Time 105 minutes. BUY NOW

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Safe Maintenance of a Backflow Prevention Assembly (2019)
A backflow prevention assembly can last for decades, so ensuring it continues to work properly becomes extremely important. Hear about the safety concerns when field testing and maintaining an assembly. And, learn about the types of maintenance performed, including replacement of internal parts, to ensure the assembly continues to protect the potable water system. Plus, discover what lead-free replacement parts are acceptable to maintain USC approval. Running Time 118 minutes. BUY NOW

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Your State's Cross-Connection Control Regulations (2019)
The session focused on state regulations of those attendees’ present during the Live Webinar. Attendees learned about the drinking water related laws in their state and what is required of cross-connection control programs, including the types of backflow protection required.

States discussed during the webinar include California, Louisiana, Montana, New Mexico, Utah, and Virginia.

Running Time: 104 minutes. BUY NOW

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Recommendations for Backflow Prevention Assembly Installations (2019)
Using the Manual of Cross-Connection Control, Tenth Edition; learn about the USC Foundation’s recommendations for installing a backflow prevention assembly. Learn why an improperly installed assembly can affect its ability to protect against backflow. Discover the reasoning behind the Foundation’s recommendations and the steps for properly installing an assembly. Running Time: 101 minutes. BUY NOW

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Modifications of a Backflow Prevention Assembly that Invalidate USC Approval (2019)
Learn why most modifications to a USC Approved backflow prevention assembly invalidate its approval. Review the USC Approval process to understand why the USC Foundation takes a stringent position on modifications of an Approved assembly. And understand why, for example, simple modifications like changing shutoff valves can invalidate its USC Approval. Running Time: 107 minutes. BUY NOW

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How the Use of Water Using Equipment May Result in Cross-Connections (2018)
Recognize how everyday water using equipment, like carbonators and boilers, can create cross-connections by understanding how the equipment works. Discover how to locate, identify, isolate and protect against the cross-connections created by different equipment by reviewing the installations of equipment found in hospitals, car washes, laboratories and many other facilities. Running Time: 127 minutes. BUY NOW

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Different Facilities; Different Cross-Connections (2018)
Learn to recognize that different facilities require different types of backflow protection. Review how to determine the degree of hazard of a facility as well as understand the difference between service protection and internal protection. Afterward, attendees will take a look at a number of different types of facilities and the types of cross-connections that may be expected at these locations. Running Time: 114 minutes. BUY NOW

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Backflow Preventers and Fire Sprinkler Systems (2018)

Be it for a factory or family residence; learn what questions need to be asked before determining the type of backflow protection needed for a fire sprinkler system. Understand what the various codes and regulations require when dealing with backflow protection for fire sprinkler systems. And, hear about the possible hazards of having stagnant water in the pipeline of a fire sprinkler system. Running Time: 143 minutes. BUY NOW

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Recycled Water Shutdown Test (2018)

Hear about the cross-connection issues associated with recycled water systems and the fact that dual plumbed systems (those plumbed with potable drinking water along with recycled water) must be tested periodically to ensure that there are no cross-connections between the two systems. Plus, learn about the methods used to test the dual plumbed systems for cross-connections; including the pressure test, shutdown test and dye test. Running Time: 155 minutesBUY NOW

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California Regulations (2018)

Learn about the drinking water related laws that affect the state of California. Particularly, how Title 17 and 22 of the California Code of Regulations impact backflow prevention and cross-connection control. Attendees will gain insights into what elements are required for a cross-connection control program, types of backflow protection required and much more. Running Time: 149 minutes. BUY NOW

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The Hydraulics of How Backflow Occurs and How to Prevent It (2018)

Gain a foundation in hydraulic concepts to help understand how backflow occurs. Realize how the potable water system is susceptible to backflow and what methods can be taken to help protect the drinking water system. And, learn which backflow prevention assemblies may be used under which hydraulic conditions and degrees of hazard. Running Time: 129 minutes. BUY NOW

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Cross-Connection Control Surveys (2017)

Understanding how to identify cross-connections and determining the degrees of hazard are essential parts of keeping drinking water safe. Using photos of actual sites, attendees will learn how to prepare and execute a site survey by analyzing various water uses that may be discovered during a survey. And, determine how to identify cross-connections, the degrees of hazard and decide what type of backflow protection, if any, is necessary. Running Time: 158 minutes. BUY NOW

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Irrigation Systems and Winterizing (2017)

Discover that not all irrigation systems are the same; some systems include fertilizer injection and/or chemigation while others do not. Learn which types of backflow prevention assemblies are acceptable for different types of irrigation systems. Plus, learn how to winterize irrigation systems to prevent any damage to backflow prevention assemblies. Running Time: 107 minutes. BUY NOW

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Recycled Water Shutdown Test (2017)

Water conservation is an important part of any water supplier’s program. So, in many areas, recycled water systems are being put to use. Hear about the cross-connection issues associated with recycled water systems and the fact that dual plumbed systems (those plumbed with potable drinking water along with recycled water) must be tested periodically to ensure that there are no cross-connections between the two systems. Methods used to test the dual plumbed systems for cross-connections will be discussed including the pressure test, shutdown test and dye test. Running Time: 112 minutes. BUY NOW

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Regulations & Plumbing Codes (2017)

Understand the different regulations and codes that relate to backflow prevention assemblies and cross-connection control at a national, state and local level. Learn in what ways federal regulations, like the Safe Drinking Water Act, address maintaining and protecting the nation’s drinking water supplies. Plus, find out how plumbing codes, accepted throughout the United States, address backflow prevention.
Running Time: 139 minutes

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The USC Approval Program (2017)

Learn what makes the USC Foundation’s Approval Program a unique approval process for backflow prevention assemblies: how the requirement of not only a laboratory but field evaluation allows for a more critical evaluation of how an assembly will perform under actual field conditions; and, after being granted USC approval, how modifications may invalidate the USC approval.
Running Time: 112 minutes

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Assembly Repair and Lead Free Issues (2016)

Learn about the general concepts of repair for backflow prevention assemblies. Although, it is impossible to cover every repair scenario with every type of backflow preventer; the concepts discussed will help identify and resolve many issues. This webinar will also discuss the 2014 change in the EPA’s definition of lead free. The issue of spare parts for both lead free and non-lead free assemblies will be covered, as well.
Running Time: 249 minutes

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Cross-Connection Control Surveys (2016)

This webinar discusses how to prepare and execute a site survey. Using photos of actual sites, learn how to identify cross-connections, determine the degree of hazard and decide what type of backflow protection, if any, is necessary.
Running Time: 128 minutes

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How the Use of Equipment Results in Cross Connections (2016)

This webinar discusses how the use of everyday equipment like boilers and carbonators may create cross-connections to the potable water lines. And how it is crucial that the Cross-Connection Control Specialist understands which equipment may create cross-connections.
Running Time: 137 minutes

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Different Facilities; Different Cross-Connections (2016)

This webinar discusses a number of different types of facilities and the types of cross-connections that may be expected at these locations.
Running Time: 92 minutes

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Grey Water and Recycled Water Shutdown Test (2016)

Water conservation is an important part of any water supplier's program. In many areas grey water systems are being put to use. More and more water agencies are allowing the use of grey water systems by their customers. This webinar discusses the cross-connection issues associated with grey water systems. Recycled water systems will also be discussed and the fact that dual plumbed systems must be tested periodically to ensure that there are no cross-connections between the two systems.
Running Time: 197 minutes

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Los Angeles & California Codes and Regulations (2016)

Codes and regulations about cross-connection control in the Los Angeles area will be discussed as well as the specific requirements in the State of California according to Title 17 and 22 of the California Code of Regulations.
Running Time: 207 minutes

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