The USC Foundation publishes Special Notices from time to time. These notices contain information that requires special attention. Notices over a year old are provided in PDF format.
Below you will find an archive of Special Notices dating back to 1989. All copies are available in Adobe PDF format.
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Benefit for USC Foundation Members
As of 2014 the Foundation has made Special Notices an exclusive benefit for members in their first year of publication. A Special Notice is a way the Foundation notifies its members of important information regarding backflow prevention assemblies. Members will receive all Special Notices via mail immediately upon release.
Note: A Special Notice that is regarded as being critical to public health will be posted on the Foundation’s website for the general public to view immediately.
If you are not receiving Special Notices and are a current USC Foundation Member, please contact the Foundation office
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Most Recent Notice Made Exclusively to Members
Special Notice
Most Recent Available Notice
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Special Notice
It has come to our attention that certain Ames and Watts double check detector assemblies (DCDA) may have been produced with the bypass assembly containing the incorrect model designation.
July 2019
Recent publicly available Special Notices
Notice 15-001: This Special Notice has been prepared to review Special Notice 14-002 and clarify the USC Approval status of Wilkins Reduced Pressure Principle Detector Assemblies (RPDAs).
Notice 14-002: This Special Notice has been prepared to clarify the Approval status of certain backflow prevention assemblies. The following information is being provided to allow field personnel to determine accurately the model designations of the bypass assemblies used in the Wilkins Double Check Detector Assemblies (DCDAs) and Reduced Pressure Principle Detector Assemblies (RPDAs).
Notice 14-001: This Special Notice has been prepared to clarify the Approval status of certain backflow prevention assemblies. Certain assemblies have been mentioned on pieces of literature and/or advertisements, in a manner, which may imply Foundation Approval. See the Special Notice for a list of the above mentioned assemblies.
Notice 13-001: It has come to the attention of the Foundation that modifications have been made to the guiding surfaces of the check valves, which may be installed in the following Wilkins backflow prevention assemblies: DC Model 350 ¾,' DC Model 350XL ¾.'
Special Notices Archives
Notice 19-001
Issued July 2019
It has come to our attention that certain Ames and Watts double check detector assemblies (DCDA) may have been produced with the bypass assembly containing the incorrect model designation.
Notice 15-001
Issued December 2015
This Special Notice has been prepared to review Special Notice 14-002 and clarify the USC Approval status of Wilkins Reduced Pressure Principle Detector Assemblies (RPDAs).
Notice 14-002
Issued September 2014
This Special Notice has been prepared to clarify the Approval status of certain backflow prevention assemblies. The following information is being provided to allow field personnel to determine accurately the model designations of the bypass assemblies used in the Wilkins Double Check Detector Assemblies (DCDAs) and Reduced Pressure Principle Detector Assemblies (RPDAs).
Notice 14-001
Issued Febraury 2014
This Special Notice has been prepared to clarify the Approval status of certain backflow prevention assemblies. Certain assemblies have been mentioned on pieces of literature and/or advertisements, in a manner, which may imply Foundation Approval. See the Special Notice for a list of the above mentioned assemblies.
Notice 13-001
Issued December 2013
It has come to the attention of the Foundation that modifications have been
made to the guiding surfaces of the check valves, which may be installed in the
following Wilkins backflow prevention assemblies: DC Model 350 ¾,' DC Model 350XL ¾.'
Notice 09-001
Issued June 2009
It has come to the attention of the Foundation that there are unapproved components distributed by third parties, which may be installed in the following Febco pressure vacuum breaker assemblies: Model 765: ½”, ¾’, 1”, 1 ¼.”
Notice 07-001
Issued February 2007
It has come to the attention of the Foundation that some Conbraco backflow prevention assemblies have been sold with check valve springs manufactures out of tolerance and are not approved.
Notice 06-003
Issued November 2006
As of 31 October 2006 none of the following assemblies have been approved by the
Foundation for Cross-Connection Control and Hydraulic Research at the University of Southern California: There are no Cash-Acme (Cash-Flo) assemblies Approved by the USC Foundation.
Notice 06-002
Issued February 2006
There has been a change in the design of the body for the Flomatic ¾”-1” Model PVB Pressure Vacuum Breaker Backsiphonage Prevention Assembly.
Notice 06-001
Issued February 2006
It has come to the attention of the Foundation that there are check valve guides not approved by the Foundation, which may be installed in the following Febco backflow prevention assemblies.
Notice 05-001
Issued March 2005
It has come to the attention of the Foundation that some of the following AMES and Watts backflow prevention assemblies have sold with check valve discs made of silicon elastomer material.
Notice 04-001
Issued August 2004
It has come to the attention of the Foundation that some of the following FEBCO assemblies have been sold with a dimensional variation between the centerlines of the vertical inlet and vertical outlet.
Notice 03-002
Issued February 2003
It has come to the attention of the Foundation that there is the possibility of interference between the check valves contained in some Ames and Watts Double Check and RP assemblies.
Notice 03-001
Issued February 2003
It has come to the attention of the Foundation from field reports that there has been an improper marking of model designations for the Wilkins RP Model 975XLSE and 975XLSEU.
Notice 02-001
Issued April 2002
There are some check valve retainers not approved by the Foundation, which may be installed in Febco backflow prevention assemblies: Double Check- Model 850, 850U and Reduced Pressure- Model 860, 860U
Notice 01-002-R1
Issued April 2002 (REVISED)
Some Ames and Watts assemblies have been distributed with unapproved components.
Notice 01-003
Issued November 2001
ARI backflow preventers are NOT APPROVED by the Foundation.
Notice 01-002
Issued November 2001
Some Ames and Watts assemblies have been distributed with unapproved components
Notice 01-001
Issued April 2001
Some of the Febco models 860, 880, and 880V were shipped with Silicon discs instead of the USC Approved EPDM.
Notice 99-003
Issued November 1999
Conbraco 4V-500 series pressure vacuum breaker assemblies are not Approved as of 20 November 1999. Complete details are found in the following PDF document.
Notice 99-002
Issued August 1999
Conbraco 4S series double check valve assemblies are not Approved as of 30 August 1999. Complete details are found in the following PDF document.
Notice 99-001
Issued April 1999
Conbraco 4S series double check valve assemblies are not Approved as of 22 April 1999. Complete details are found in the following PDF document.
Notice 98-002
Issued May 1998
This notice advises members of Wilkins 950 series and 975 series modifications.
Notice 98-001
Issued January 1998
This notice advises members of certain action in the Federal Register regarding cross-control programs.
Notice 97-003
Issued November 1997
Conbraco 4S series double check valve assemblies and 4V pressure vacuum breaker assemblies are not Approved as of 20 November 1997. Complete details are found in the following PDF document.
Notice 97-002
Issued September 1997
Ames 2000SS, 3000SS, and 4000SS series assemblies were discovered to have unapproved components. Complete details are found in the following PDF document.
Notice 97-001
Issued January 1997
The Wilkins 8" and 10" 975 reduced pressure principle assemblies have had the disc retaining cups in the relief valve stems modified to improve performance. (See Notice 95-001) Complete details are found in the following PDF document.
Notice 96-001
Issued 16 September 1996
It has come to the attention of the Foundation from field reports that several Ames backflow prevention assemblies have exhibited low or inconsistent differential pressure readings across their check valves. Additionally, individual check valves have been discovered stuck in the open position, in a few assemblies. Complete details are found in the following PDF document.
Notice 95-002
Issued 23 May 1995
This Notice has been prepared to clarify the Approval status of various backflow prevention assemblies. The items listed below have been mentioned on pieces of literature that also mention the Foundation. Although the literature may not specifically state that the equipment is Approved, a reader might imply Foundation Approval because the Foundation's or the University's name is mentioned on the literature.
Notice 95-001
The Wilkins Model 975 8" and 10" reduced pressure principle backflow prevention assemblies were originally Approved on 8 November 1991 and 24 May 1993 respectively. No modifications were made in the production units, however, while under re-evaluation the assemblies failed to meet one of the laboratory requirements. The assemblies were, therefore, removed from the Foundation’s List of Approved Backflow Prevention Assemblies as of the 1 December 1994 List.
Notice 94-001
It has come to the attention of the Foundation that some of the following FEBCO assemblies have been sold with seat discs made of Silicon elastomer materials.
Notice 92-001
Issued 24 September 1992
This Notice has been prepared to clarify the Approval status of various backflow prevention assemblies. The following assemblies have been mentioned on pieces of literature that also mentions Foundation Approval. Although the literature may not specifically state that the following models are Approved, a reader might imply Foundation Approval because the Foundation's name is mentioned on the literature.
Notice 90-001
Issued 5 January 1990
During the time frame of 8 May 1989 through 17 September 1989, it has been determined that some Conbraco backflow prevention assemblies have not been in compliance with the Foundation’s Specifications.
Notice 89-005
Issued 19 June 1989
The List of Approved Backflow Prevention Assemblies dated 30 May 1989 contains errors in the listings.
Notice 89-004
Issued 30 May 1989
This Notice has been prepared to clarify that the List of Approved Backflow Prevention Assemblies is the only document issued by the Foundation to be referenced for Approval status.
Notice 89-003
Issued 30 May 1989
During January through September 1988, approximately 2%- 5% of FEBCO Model 765 PVB assemblies were produced with a vendor's molded part made from defective material.
Notice 89-002
Issued 30 May 1989
It has come to the attention of the Foundation that testcocks used by the Wilkins Regulator Company may not have been in compliance with the Foundation's Specifications.
Notice 89-001
Issued 30 May 1989
Explains the change from 'sturdy and drip-tight' testcocks to 'resilient seated' type testcocks in the Manual of Cross Connection Control Eight Edition.